Case Studies

HGI has many geophysical case studies and examples of heap leach characterization, enhanced metal recovery, and mining geophysics. The geophysical case studies are listed below and provide a broad aspect to the work we do for the mining industry.

HGI professionals have the skills and knowledge to support every aspect of your project from concept and design, acquisition, and interpretation. Browse the geophysical case studies below to see our breadth of experience.

Case Study of Heap leach characterization with mining geophysics – Heap Solutions

Copper Mine in Arizona - Case Study

Case Study of Heap leach characterization with mining geophysics.

Copper Mine in North America

Characterizing the movement of pregnant leach solution (PLS) through a copper heap.

Gold Mine in North America

A resistivity investigation into the effects of leachate pooling on the surface

Investigating issues of underperformance in a gold leap leach pad

Gold Mine in Nevada

HGI conducts a detailed investigation of a gold leach pad in Nevada

Newmont Gold Quarry

Three dimensional resistivity investigation to determine optimal drilling and injection locations

Gold Mine in the United States

A geophysics investigation to map subsurface moisture distribution in a gold heap leach pad.

Injection Monitoring in Mexico

Enhanced metal recovery via resistivity characterization and deep subsurface injection.

Secondary Metal Recovery in Nevada

Geophysical monitoring program in support of subsurface injection on a gold heap leach pad.

Case Study of Heap leach characterization with mining geophysics – Heap Solutions

Enhanced Recovery of Copper - Case Study

Recovering lost copper from compacted ore, prior to mine closure via subsurface injection leaching.

Cripple Creek and Victor (CC&V) gold mine - Case Study

Increasing permeability by secondary metal extraction similar to hydraulic fracturing.